Photos of GEMBOREE 2020 Placegetters scroll down this page or click here
Results for GEMBOREE 2020
Section Results
One of the files shows two columns of results, while the other shows it in a single column which may be easier to read.
Single Column version GEMBOREE 2020 Section Results Award Winners
Two column version Section Results Award Winners GEMBOREE 2020
Trophy Results
GEMBOREE Trophy Results 2020
Fees Announcement 10:39 am Sun 15th March 2020
We are all aware of the coronavirus (COVID-19) that is currently causing disruptions, illnesses and some deaths in a number of countries. The VGCA acknowledges that the situation with COVID-19 is rapidly changing and given the raising to pandemic status we will be following the instruction of the Chief Medical Officer and Government. Therefore the GEMBOREE® 2020 has been cancelled. The health, welfare and safety of all who were to attend the event is of paramount importance. Monies paid to the VGCA Inc. for camping, tailgating, trading, dinners and off site fees will be fully refunded. Try Booking payments will be refunded via that site.
Carol Kirby, VGCA Committee, GEMBOREE Hall Manager
Announcement 11:41 pm Sat 14 March 2020
The 2020 GEMBOREE was cancelled as of 14th March 2020.
Recent Federal Government announcements relating to the Covid 19 pandemic and a recommendation to avoid gatherings of 500 or more people, made the final decision unavoidable. Because the GEMBOREE Competition is divided into two parts – “Entries Judged Before the Show” and “Entries Judged at the Show”, a decision also had to be made about the status of the Competition. The “Entries Judged Before the Show” have already been judged, given placings and will be awarded medallions and trophies. Photographs will be taken of the entries in each Section that were awarded a medallion, and then posted on the AFLACA website. Some or all of these photographs could also be displayed on the VGCA website and in the Pointer. All entries, medallions and trophies will be returned to the entrants either by hand or by post over the coming weeks. The “Entries Judged at the Show” can no longer be part of the official competition. Because of the costs associated with returning the nominal entry fee of $5, no entry fees will be returned unless specifically requested by the entrant.
Peter Krake, Competition Coordinator
Pdf version of this announcement 2020 GEMBOREE cancellation details.pdf
Announcement 11:35 am Sat 14 March 2020
Dear all, we wish to advise that GEMBOREE 2020 Australia’s National Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show, planned for 10th to 13th of April 2020 in Albury has been cancelled, to comply with the Government ban on large gatherings, announced yesterday afternoon.
GEMBOREE 2020 Booklet pdf 15mb
GEMBOREE 2020 Competition Schedule in pdf
Alteration to the 2020 Competition Schedule 8-12-2019 regarding Jack Bushby Trophy AT-22 Jack Bushby Trophy
Alteration to 2020 Competition Schedule 19-12-2019 regarding 32B – A Group of Three Fossils: Maximum plan size of the whole group not to exceed 200 mm x 200 mm
O.32B Group of 3 – Mixed. Any location
N.32B Group of 3 – Mixed. Any location
J.32B Group of 3 – Mixed. Any location
GEMBOREE 2020 Competition Entry Form in Word
GEMBOREE 2020 Registration form in Word
GEMBOREE 2020 Registration form in pdf
GEMBOREE 2020 Tailgating Application in Word
GEMBOREE 2020 Tailgating Application in pdf
GEMBOREE 2020 Voluntary Assistance in Word
GEMBOREE 2020 Voluntary Assistance in pdf
2020 Organising Committee & Contacts.
Gemboree 2020 Co-ordinator: Joan Barrows Mobile 0488 440493 Email
Gemboree Treasurer: Wendy Bergamin Email
Gemboree Hall Manager: Carol Kirby Mobile 0411 055297 Email
Competition Manager: Peter Krake Phone 03 5825 2778 Email
Camp Site Managers: Ray and Joy Medew Mobile 0417 269650 Email
Gatehouse Co-ordinator: Gwen Dunstan, Waverley Gem Club Mobile 0407 512 883
Tailgating Co-ordinator: Mike Quinn Nunawading Gem Club Mobile 0409 091 520 Email
Judges Co-ordinator: Carol Kerslake Email
A special thank you, to Jordan Bergamin who produced the GEMBOREE 2020 Logo
Photos of GEMBOREE 2020 Placegetters